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My First Time...

...hmm some of you may have something else in mind, but the title of this blog is really much more innocent and thought provoking. As you will have seen from our blog over the last 2 weeks, we have been having the most amazing Honeymoon in Lombok and was right at the beginning as we were taxiing the runway ready to depart from Heathrow, that I got to thinking about this blog. It was my first time on a Dreamliner, and my my first time travelling outside of Europe or the made me realise that our Honeymoon would be packed full of this type of 'first times'... Swimming under Idyllic Waterfalls, riding an Elephant and holding tropical birds, scaling a Volcano, having wild Monkeys clamber all over me, Parasailing, Jet Ski-ing, Snorkelling some of the world's renowned diving spots at the Gili Islands, Balinese Massage, Rice terraces, Cat-poo coffee and Lobster...the list goes on. For me, all of these moments are ones to savour, but sharing them with my beautiful Wife makes them all the more special! Travel is a huge thing for us, and we have always said that we want to tick of new places and new experiences. In essence, we want every trip to be packed full of 'first times'. Going to new places and doing things for the first time are both character- building, from an individual perspective and a relationship perspective. We learn more about ourselves and eachother through these experiences. We become more understanding of the world around us, and learn to appreciate what we have and what is possible on this incredible planet. Ask yourself the question, when was the last time you did something for the first time? I don't just mean something trivial like trying your Tea without sugar for the first time (although that could be a revolutionary moment in your life), I mean something that challenged you and pushed you out of your comfort zone? It may only have been yesterday, or it may have been months...our challenge to you is to set yourself a new goal and do something for the first time.

We're already planning our next adventure!

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