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Worth the risk...

I woke up this morning grateful of a day off work due to the weather. I was however, feeling rather achy. A combination of muscle soreness from workouts this week and from the tension I carried whilst trying to drive home from work in the snow yesterday.

I wanted to workout but was not quite sure what to do. Currently I do a mixture of cardio and body weight workouts as I was injured recently so have been missing out the weights. But going through all of the workouts I could do....I wasn't motivated to do them.

I was texting a friend at the time and asked her about yoga - as I know she has done it previously. She told me about a 30 day beginners programme created by an instructor called Adriene on youtube which she really enjoyed! So I thought I would take a look.

I have done the odd yoga session in my time so I am still very much a beginner and worried that it would be too hard or that I wouldn't feel satisfied that I had done enough exercise for the day.

Well what can I say........I absolutely LOVED it for a variety of reasons:

- It was pitched at the exact level I needed

- I felt every muscle working

- I felt like I had worked hard for 30 minutes

- I stretched every muscle well

- It cleared my head

- It relaxed me at the same time

Probably my favourite thing about the whole session was the fact that I shut the door on the world for 35 minutes. My phone was in another room, Lee was downstairs working, and on my laptop, the only tab open was the yoga session. For 30 whole minutes all I focused on was my breathing and my body.

It was liberating and made me realise how important it is to take time out of our busy and hectic lives. Take some time just for you. If you can, shut the door on the world for just those 30 minutes.

Completing the yoga session today had an element of risk to it. It was completely new, I could have hated it or I could have not been satisfied on completion. But with how I was feeling this morning in terms of motivation and soreness, I figured it was worth the risk.

Sometimes trying something new with your exercise really pays off and just because it doesn't involve heavy weights or hours on a treadmill, doesn't mean it isn't working.

I will 100% be completing the remaining 29 days of the programme over the next couple of months, by building in at least one yoga session a week to my current workout regime.

Why not set yourself a goal of trying something new with your fitness?

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